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It's about Love by Steven Camden

Real life is messier than the movies. A bold, thought-provoking novel from the exceptionally talented, Steven Camden.

He's Luke. She's Leia.

Just like in Star Wars. Just like they’re made for each other. Same film studies course, different backgrounds, different ends of town.

Only this isn't a film. This is real life. This is where monsters from the past come back to take revenge. This is where you are sometimes the monster.

But real life? Sometimes, only sometimes, it turns out just like in the movies…

My thoughts
This book was a real thinker for me. I knew I liked Steven Camden's work before I started it but wasn't entirely sure what to expect from this novel. I am glad to report that it was as good as I had hoped it would be and left me with loads to think about. 

I loved the way the story was told. It was a mix of traditional narrative and screen play notes which makes sense when you know the two main characters meet during their film studies class. The way in which it is told gives you a real chance to get inside the head of the main character Luke and see what drives him to do what he does. For me he was a really interesting character caught between where he came from and his past experiences whilst striving to be his own person and make something of himself on his own without relying on his family connections or thuggish mates.

I enjoyed seeing the relationship develop between Luke and Leia, the girl he meets in his film class. The was it developed felt really real and therefore I felt like the chemistry was spot on. I loved seeing how things weren't straight forward them and this added to the realism for me as the story explored the many forms love can take and the role in can play in the lives of people.
