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The British Books Challenge 2016: Sign up here

I am very excited to be hosting the 2016 British Books Challenge 2016 taking it back over for the first time since 2013.

The British Books Challenge is a reading challenge to encourage you to read at least 12 books by British authors in a year. These can be fiction, non fiction, adult, UKYA, childrens whatever goes as long as they are by an author from Great Britain.

To sign up for the British Books Challenge all your need to do is to create a post or a page (bloggers) or a video (booktubers) to show that you are joining the challenge and link to that page / post / video in the Mister Linky below

The FAQs for the challenge are here
My personal challenge page is here

It'd also be fab if you could grab the British Books Challenge button (in my right side bar) and display it wherever you will be posting your reviews

Any questions tweet me @overflowingklc


Tina said…
I am so excited to join in with this challenge! Thanks so much for hosting next year.
Tina said…
Kirsty - evidently I was so excited to join in that I neglected to post an announcement and just signed up. If there is a way to remove my original entry at Tina@Novel_Meals that would be great.

Otherwise, my announcement and linkup post is attached to linkup #5.

Thanks much for hosting!
Anya said…
Haven't officially done this before but am fairly certain I did it unintentionally last year so can totally do it again! My announcement/goals post will be up next week :)
Sarah said…
Sorry Kirsty, I messed up the link the first time so I had to enter it again!
Excited to take part but the Mister Linky kept saying Error to me. I am participating though!
Anonymous said…
Thanks Kirsty for taking over British Books! Looking forward to the challenge :-)
Ryan said…
Very excited to take part in this, never done a proper challenge like this before despite blogging for nearly 6 years! Ha!
Anonymous said…
Looking forward to taking part in this challenge, thanks Kirsty! :)
Yvonne said…
I'm looking forward to this challenge again.
Thanks for hosting this challenge - looking forward to downsizing my tbr pile
Glad I checked in for BBC signup -
happy to participate. Welcome back as hostess.